
《读者的选择(Reader’s Choice)》五个词根词缀表


com-, con-, col-, cor-, co- together, with cooperate, connect
in-, im-, il-, ir- in, into, on invade, insert
in-, im-, il-, ir- not impolite, illegal
micro- small microscope, microcomputer
pre- before prepare, prehistoric
re-, retro- back, again return, retrorocket
-audi-, -audit- hear auditorium, auditor
-chron- time chronology, chronological
-dic-, -dict- say, speak dictator, dictation
-graph-, -gram- write, writing telegraph, telegram
-log-, -ology- speech, word, study biology
-phon- sound telephone
-scrib-, -script- write describe, script
-spect- look at inspect, spectator
-vid-, -vis- see video, vision
-er, -or one who worker, spectator
-ist one who typist, biologist
-tion, -ation condition, the act of action, celebration


ante- before anterior, ante meridiem(A.M.)
circum- around circumference
contra-, anti- against anti-war, contrast
inter- between international, intervene
intro-, intra- within introduce, intravenous
post- after post-game, post-graduate
sub-, suc-, suf-, sug-, sup, sus- under subway, support
super- above, greater, better superior, supermarket
trans- across trans-Atlantic, transportation
-ced- go, move, yield precede
-duc- lead introduce
-flect- bend reflect, flexible
-mit-, -miss- send remit, missionary
-pon-, -pos- put, place postpone, position
-port- carry portable
-sequ-, -secut- follow consequence, consecutive
-spir- breathe inspiration, conspiracy
-tele- far telegraph, telephone
-ven-, -vene- come convene, convention
-voc-, -vok- call vocal, revoke
-able, -ible, -ble capable of, fit for trainable, defensible
-ous, -ious, -ose full of, having the qualities of poisonous, anxious, verbose


a-, an- without, lacking, not atypical, apolitical
bene- good benefit, benefactor
bi- two bicycle, binary
mis- wrong misspell, mistake
mono- one, alone monarch, monopoly
poly- many polynomial, polytechnic
syn-, sym-, syl- with, together symphony, sympathy
-anthro-, -anthropo- human anthropology
-arch- first, chief, leader patriarch, monarch, archbishop
-fact-, -fect- make, do affect, benefactor, factory
-gam- marriage monogamy, polygamous
-hetero- different, other heterosexual, heterogeneous
-homo- same homogenized milk
-man-, -manu- hand manually, manage
-morph- form, structure polymorphous
-onym-, -nomen- name synonym, nomenclature
-pathy- feeling, disease sympathy, telepathy, pathological
-theo-, -the- god theology, polytheism
-ic, -al relating to, having the nature of comic, chronic, musical
-ism action or practice, theory or doctrine Buddhism, communism
-oid like, resembling humanoid


multi- many multiply, multiple
peri- around periscope, perimeter
semi- half, partly semisweet, semicircle
tri- three triangle
ultra- beyond, excessive, extreme ultramodern
uni- one unicycle, unify, universe
-aster-, -astro-, -stellar- star astronomy, stellar
-auto- self automobile, automatic
-bio- life biology
-cycle- circle bicycle, cycle
-mega- great, large megaton, megalopolis
-mort- death mortal, immortality
-phil- love philosophy
-polis- city metropolis
-psych- mind psychology
-soph- wise philosophy, sophomore
-ity condition, quality, state of being unity, ability
-ness condition, quality, state of being sadness, happiness


by- aside or apart from the common, secondary bypass, by-product
de- down from, away descend, depart
dia- through, across diameter, diagonal
epi- upon, over, outer epidermis
hyper- above, beyond, excessive hypersensitive
hypo- under, beneath, down hypothesis, hypothermia
-capit- head, chief captain, cap, decapitate
-corp- body corporation, incorporate
-derm- skin epidermis, dermatology
-geo- earth geology, geography
-hydr-, -hydro water hydrogen, hydrology
-ortho- straight, correct orthodox, orthography
-pod-, -ped- foot podiatrist, pedestrian
-son- sound sound, sonic
-therm-, -thermo- heat thermal, hypothermia
-ver- true verity, veritable
-ate to make activate
-fy to make liquify
-ize to make crystallize